martes, 16 de junio de 2015


The Minerva Model Survey I desing is meant to analize the elements on the teaching-learning process, but also, to show how much our students know about the model they are involved in.
Also in what extent they are aware of what the university expects from them. And what is not only their rol, but also if they can recognize the rol of the teacher.

This checklist is made to enlist what products are inside the portfolio, and if they were done.

Esteban Sánchez Corona
Learning Assessment Checklist
Task Name (Product)

Communicative Competence (Concept Map)
Communicative Competence (Video)
Formative and Summative Assessment (Concept Map)
Formative and Summative Assessment (Video)
Portfolio, Concept Maps and Rubrics (Concept Map)
Portfolio, Concept Maps and Rubrics (Video)

Rubrics use and Development (Reflection, Rubric Model)
Minerva Model Survey and Portfolio as Assessment tool (Survey Model and Reflection)

How does the bog work for the teacher, classmates and yourself?

The blog is used for the teacher as an assessment tool, provides with evidence of what has been done during the course. Also, trough this blog, the teacher will be able to give the grade students earn with their work, since they were previously provide with the rubric of what every product should fufil. This portfolio is the way he evaluates his students.

For classmates, the blog is used to have some feedback, this will help them to modify, correct and improve their work during the course. It will also promote co-evaluation, everytime students comment on an entry of the blog of their classmates, they will realized of the mistakes they are making and probably they did not realized they were.

From my own perspective, the blog is used as a learning tool. I have never used this kind of tool, I'm learning so much not only from my teacher, but also from my classmates. Everytime a see a positive comment in motivates me to keep doing something in the exact same way. And when something it is wrong I will try to fix it, in order to not only satisfy the demands of who reads my blog or who evaluates it, but rather my own expectatives and all this process will be part of my self assesment. Now I am aware of what aspects should be improve and what others should be done in the same way.

To what extent does it match in practice what you read?

In fact, everything we read about during the course was taking to practice when we develop things like discussions, concept maps, videos, rubrics and surveys. Also, every topic was related to the previous one, so that made very easly to understad what we were doing and why. Every single one of these tool are desing for assess, and also were part of the program. So everything we read was match in practice.

Would you implement it in your own classes? Why? Or why not?

I would do it. Since students now days are used to the use of computers, smarth phones and other electronical devises, they will find this way of working realy interesting. I will also use it because is a way to promote self and co evaluation. Students will have a chance to things twice, the first one will be a draft, and the second one they will improve some aspects according to what their classmates commented. Finally the teacher will give the definitive feedback and will provide students with the grade the earn, according to the rubric which was previously given to students.

1 comentario:

  1. The whole text was clear and legible, but there are some spelling mistakes. Some mistakes may not be so important because it is possible to infer their meaning, but there is one which can change the whole meaning: "things", and the place where this word is located can be a misleading factor to understand the following sentence.
